
FormulaT Racing is a prototype racing video game designed to encourage children to connect their intuitive understanding of motion to formal physics representations and real world instances of kinematics. Designed to be a constructionist environment, FormulaT Racing provides players with embodied tools that allow them to use their intuitive sense of speed to construct new representations of motion as they race a car around a track.

The original version of FormulaT Racing was written in NetLogo, and included two main phases: Racing and Pit Boss. While the racing mode looks and plays like a traditional racing game, in the pit boss mode players “program” how the car will accelerate around the track before the race began. An updated version of the pit boss mode has been recreated in JavaScript and can be played on the web at This beta version of FormulaT Racing is designed to be played on a motion sensitive touch device such as an iPad but can played equally well using a mouse and keyboard.